A Nigger in the Woodpile (1904)

Running Time

April 7, 1904
Release Date

A Nigger in the Woodpile (1904)

Running Time

April 7, 1904
Release Date

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This is a clever comedy production in several scenes. In the opening scene the hired man is complaining to Farmer Jones that the woodpile is being depleted by thieves. Farmer Jones decides to adopt drastic measures and loads one of the sticks with dynamite. In the next scene a colored deacon, one of the shining lights in the African Church, is seen making away with the wood. The next scene shows the home of the deacon, where he is taking his comfort at the kitchen fire, while his wife is busy with the washing. The loaded stick is, of course, put into the fire, and there is a terrific explosion and the building is ruined. Farmer Jones and his man appear at the critical moment and the colored thieves are given a punishment they will not soon forget.

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Release Date
April 7, 1904


Running Time


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A Nigger in the Woodpile is a 1904 American silent film, with a runtime of four minutes. The title is derived from the idiom nigger in the woodpile, meaning something is wrong or "off". A copy is in the Black films section of the Library of Congress. The video can also be found on YouTube.

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