Great Expectations (2009)
1h 13m
Running Time
January 1, 2009Release Date
Great Expectations (2009)
1h 13m
Running Time
January 1, 2009Release Date
Who are the people who will comprise Italy’s future leadership ? Three entrepreneurs offer some responses to the question: Antonio Ambrosetti, founder of a new course called «Leader del Futuro», Federcio Morgantini, a young man whose business ambitions take him to China, and Matteo Storchi, a succesful manager of a family business. The filmmakers want to record these individuals in «their roles as leaders within the society they represent.» So they follow their three protagonists through their working lives. All three are at a crucial stage in their careers: will they succeed in their respective projects? Taking a humorous perspective, navigating both hope and pessimism, the film moves from Italy to China on the heels of these contemporary entrepreneurs who are often destined to lead more through heredity than vocation.
Where to Watch.
Currently Great Expectations is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: DocAlliance Films
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
Release DateJanuary 1, 2009
Original NameGrandi speranze
Running Time1h 13m
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