Where's Charley? (1952)

1h 37m
Running Time

May 20, 1952
Release Date

Where's Charley? (1952)

1h 37m
Running Time

May 20, 1952
Release Date

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Release Date
May 20, 1952


Running Time
1h 37m

Content Rating


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This Movie Is About.

cross dressing
based on play or musical


Where's Charley? is a 1952 British musical comedy film directed by David Butler. It starred Ray Bolger, Allyn Ann McLerie and Robert Shackleton. It is an adaptation of the musical Where's Charley?, which was in turn based on the 1892 play Charley's Aunt by Brandon Thomas.

Bolger, McLerie and Horace Cooper reprised the performances they originated on Broadway. Produced by the British branch of Warner Brothers, it was shot at Teddington Studios in London. Some scenes were filmed on location in Oxford the setting for the comedy. The film's sets were designed by the art directors David Ffolkes and Albert Witherick.

Despite a leading role here, this was one of only two films made by Robert Shackleton (1914-1956), the other being Wonder Boy (1951). With its run at New York’s Radio City Music Hall, he appeared in the stage show.

It earned an estimated $1.5 million at the North American box office in 1952.

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