Planet X - Dark Red Star on a Collision Course With Earth (2001)

1h 23m
Running Time

March 1, 2001
Release Date

Planet X - Dark Red Star on a Collision Course With Earth

Planet X - Dark Red Star on a Collision Course With Earth (2001)

1h 23m
Running Time

March 1, 2001
Release Date

External Links & Social Media


Planet X is the first and only video to fully explain the mysteries of Genesis 6 and Revelation 9. The Bible prophesies that a staggering army of 200 million demons will be released from the bottomless pit in the last days. Having a King, or dark angel, over them named Abaddon, these fiery, serpentine demons will torment mankind and massacre multitudes by way of fire, smoke, and brimstone issued out of their mouths. In fact, occult teachings in Freemasonry and other secret societies proclaim the coming of a mysterious Planet X, code-named Sirius, the Dog Star. The Illuminati say that when it comes, this star will bring both catastrophe and salvation to earth, ending in an alien invasion by extraterrestrials who shall reign as gods over all mankind

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Release Date
March 1, 2001


Running Time
1h 23m


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