Dots (1940)
Dots (1940)
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Norman McLaren's Dots was made thanks to the subsidies of Hilla de Rebay and the Solomon R. The Guggenheim Foundation. There are bright color tasks on a red background. The blue points that join, distance themselves, explode on a red background are both poetic and facetious. The sound effect is similar to a video game from the 80s. He discovered that writing directly on the film allowed him to create music. The process of "animated sounds" led him to develop the drawing or engraving on the soundtrack and the photographic printing on it of motifs drawn on practices. At the tip of the pen is a short documentary that shows how to make music from drawings. Honegger, a semi-noisy score for the film Rapt by Dimitri Kirsanoff, had also made comparable innovations as early as 1932. The sound of music instruments and other sounds are transformed into electrical impulses, which are written in black and white on the soundtrack, on the edge of the film. Light waves caused by the soundtrack are transformed into electrical waves when the film is projected. Some of the early stages are suppressed by synthetic processes. They produce either electrical impulses or a soundtrack in black and white. The sounds were painted and drawn in Chinese ink on a 35mm film. The sounds were applied in the sound strip area next to the images, and on the film itself where the images were drawn. The sound strip was positioned 20 images upstream of the point of correspondence between the image and the sound. The sound strip was then re-painted. Almost all sounds were drawn in the form of "notes" that had an attack and a drop completed in point. To get a sound of a certain height, a minimum of six strokes is required; the closer the strokes are, the sharper the score.