You're No Good (1965)
Running Time
January 1, 1965Release Date
You're No Good (1965)
Running Time
January 1, 1965Release Date
Network & Production Companies

Troubled youth Eddie McGeer, on a whim, steals a motorcycle and takes it on a short joy ride with his girlfriend Marie before they ditch it when they hear police sirens. Indeed, the police do know he stole the bike. Eddie doesn't know what to do except hang low for for while and dream about getting away from his troubles by going someplace like Acapulco with Marie. He tells his friends that they haven't seen him if anyone asks. He doesn't tell his mother what trouble he's in this time. And his social worker, knowing something is the matter, tries to get him to at least open up to him. Eddie eventually does tell his social worker, who knows that Eddie is not a bad kid but a scared one who needed to grow up far too quickly. Only Eddie can decide to take his advice to turn himself in, or continue to run, especially as Marie seems to be distancing herself further and further from him
Where to Watch.

Currently You're No Good is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: NFB
Streaming in:🇨🇦 Canada
Cast & Crew.

Michael Sarrazin

Derek Holloway

Sally Sales

François Séguillon
Director of Photography

Marcel Malacket
Location Manager

Noel Stone
Dialogue / Writer

Vic Merrill
Sound Editor

Roger Lamoureux
This Movie Is About.