Battlefield Earth (2000)

1h 57m
Running Time

May 12, 2000
Release Date

Battlefield Earth (2000)

1h 57m
Running Time

May 12, 2000
Release Date

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Warner Bros. PicturesMorgan CreekFranchise Pictures
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In the year 3000, man is no match for the Psychlos, a greedy, manipulative race of aliens on a quest for ultimate profit. Led by the powerful Terl, the Psychlos are stripping Earth clean of its natural resources, using the broken remnants of humanity as slaves. What is left of the human race has descended into a near primitive state. After being captured, it is up to Tyler to save mankind.

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Cast & Crew.


Release Date
May 12, 2000


Running Time
1h 57m

Content Rating


Box Office

Filming Locations
Los Angeles, United States of America · Montreal, Canada


Last updated:


Battlefield Earth (subtitled on-screen: A Saga of the Year 3000) is a 2000 American science fiction film based on the 1982 novel of the same name by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. It was directed by Roger Christian and stars John Travolta, Barry Pepper, and Forest Whitaker. The film follows a rebellion against the alien Psychlos, who have ruled Earth for 1,000 years.

Travolta, a Scientologist, began attempting to adapt Battlefield Earth in the mid-1990s. He was unable to obtain major studio funding because of concerns regarding the script and its connections to Scientology. In 1998, it was picked up by the independent production company Franchise Pictures, which specialized in rescuing stars' pet projects. Production began in 1999, largely funded by the German distribution company Intertainment AG. Travolta, as co-producer, also contributed millions of dollars; he envisioned Battlefield Earth as the first in a two-part adaptation of the book, as it only covers the first half of the novel's story.

The film was universally panned by critics who criticized nearly every aspect of the film, including the performances, direction, screenplay, cinematography, special effects, pacing and plot. Released to a critical and commercial failure, it is frequently described as one of the worst films of all time and the worst received film in John Travolta's filmography. Audiences were reported to have ridiculed early screenings and stayed away from the film after its opening weekend. It received eight Golden Raspberry Awards, the most given to any film. This record stood until 2012 when Jack and Jill received ten. In 2010, it won Worst Picture of the Decade.

In 2007, Franchise Pictures was sued by its investors and went bankrupt after it emerged that it had fraudulently overstated the film's budget by $31 million; this, coupled with the film's poor reception, ended Travolta's plans for a sequel.

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