Hyperfutura (2013)
January 18, 2013Release Date
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Release DateJanuary 18, 2013
Running Time1h 1m
Content RatingR
Last updated:
Hyperfutura is a 2012 science fiction film from American filmmaker James O'Brien, starring Eric Kopatz, Karen Corona, Gregory Kiem, Scott Donovan, Celine Brigitte, Alysse Cobb, Lionel Heredia, Gary Kohn, Edward Romero and William Moore. It draws elements from the mashup video movement, Ed Wood, time travel and transhumanism, and pays homage to such counterculture works as The Church of the SubGenius and the fictional experimental filmmaker James Orin Incandenza from the David Foster Wallace novel Infinite Jest. Utilizing both stock footage and a live action narrative, it takes the viewer on a psychedelic voyage into the subconscious of a hybrid robot human sent back in time.The film is based on the epic poem "Hyperfutura" by Eric Kopatz. The screenplay is by James O'Brien. The film was edited by Brando McClure and Ron Soha, with cinematography by Ama MacDonald, visual effects by John Younger and sound design by Jesse Bilson. It has been compared to Spectres of the Spectrum by experimental filmmaker Craig Baldwin, Eraserhead by David Lynch and the cinema of Andy Warhol.
Hyperfutura premiered in Santa Monica, California, in July 2012 at the video store Vidiots. It was released by PanGlobal Entertainment worldwide in 2013.