Asurakulam is an upcoming Indian Tamil action thriller film produced by Saravanan Ganesan and Vembaiyan Velayutham and directed by Vignesh Menon. The film features Shabarish and Vidya Pradeep in the leading roles, C.sathya composes the film's music
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Asurakulam (transl. Ferocious Clan) is an unreleased Indian Tamil-language action thriller film produced by Saravanan Ganesan and Vembaiyan Velayutham and directed by Vignesh Menon. The film features Shabarish and Vidya Pradeep in the leading roles, while Thambi Ramaiah, John Vijay, and Lal appear in supporting roles. C. Sathya composed the film's music.
The film's songs were released in 2015; however, the film itself is yet to release.