A Stranger from Somewhere (1916)

Running Time

November 13, 1916
Release Date

A Stranger from Somewhere

A Stranger from Somewhere (1916)

Running Time

November 13, 1916
Release Date

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Release Date
November 13, 1916


Running Time

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A Stranger from Somewhere is a 1916 silent film directed by William Worthington. Universal's Bluebird Photoplays division produced and distributed the film. The movie featured Franklyn Farnum (playing a dual role), Agnes Vernon, Barney Furey, and Claire McDowell. The screenplay was written by F. McGrew Willis and Walter Woods who were credited under the pseudonym Willis Woods.

The story revolves around a westerner named Sam Brockton. The hero becomes disillusioned with frontier life. He sells his ranch, making him an instant millionaire. He moves to the city, seeking a new way of life, but soon becomes disenchanted with his life's choices. A fortuitous event presents itself, and he meets a young heiress, Grace Darling. They immediately fall in love.

Meanwhile, he unwittingly becomes entangled with a gang of swindlers who plot to separate him from his wealth. The crook's machinations take twists and turns until culminating in a dramatic confrontation at the Darling mansion. Brockton enters a climatic knock-down-drag-out brawl with the scammers. The police show up in the nick of time, haul the criminals to jail and restore the peace. Brockton and Grace Darling live happily ever after.

The film was released on November 13, 1916, by Universal.

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