We Need Lungs (2019)
1h 7m
Running Time
May 21, 2019Release Date
Italian banker Sebastiano Arlotta attempts to run from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea over the mighty Pyrenees mountains in only 9 days. To achieve this he must run over 900km and ascend and descend a total of 60,000 meters. It is an extreme adventure that demonstrates strength, passion and determination that will push him past the impossible. When he loses track of his support team we fear the worst and question whether he will emerge from the unforgiving mountains at all. A story of grit and determination, held together by the love and respect between master and apprentice. Who will survive?
Where to Watch.
Currently We Need Lungs is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Tubi TV
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
Release DateMay 21, 2019
Running Time1h 7m
Last updated: