Rhythm of the Saints (2003)
1h 23m
Running Time
January 26, 2003Release Date
Rhythm of the Saints (2003)
1h 23m
Running Time
January 26, 2003Release Date
Tough 15-year-old Rena, terrorized by her stepfather, turns to Santeria-practicing Wanda Love for help. But Rena's boyfriend and his friends have come up with their own way to teach her father a lesson.
Where to Watch.
Currently Rhythm of the Saints is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: IndieFlix
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Rhythm of the Saints, on Internet Movie Database, IMDB.com. Rhythm of the Saints, on AllMovie, All Media Network. Rhythm of the Saints, on Rotten Tomatoes, Flixster Inc. (EN, ES) Rhythm of the Saints, on FilmAffinity.