Le silence (2020)
1h 46m
Running Time
November 12, 2020Release Date
Le silence (2020)
1h 46m
Running Time
November 12, 2020Release Date
Network & Production Companies
From the 1950s to the 1980s, Catholic priests committed numerous sexual abuses on young boys in several French-speaking villages in New Brunswick. Brought to light when the victims were in their fifties, these scandals sparked shock and indignation in the media and the public. Why have affected communities chosen secrecy over justice and truth for so long? Taking advantage of their influence to impose a "pious silence" on their parishioners, several figures of authority have built a veritable structure of abuse that testifies as much to the oppressions specific to the Acadian populations as to the systemic denial of the Catholic Church. Challenged by the power of collective silence, seasoned filmmaker Renée Blanchar seeks to unravel the root causes by going out to meet the survivors.
Where to Watch.
Currently Le silence is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: iciTouTV
Streaming in:🇨🇦 Canada
This Movie Is About.
pedophile priest