Rebel Flight to Cuba (1959)
January 1, 1959Release Date
Where to Watch.
Currently Rebel Flight to Cuba is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: alleskino Amazon Channel, Amazon Video, Alleskino, Google Play Movies, YouTube
Streaming in:🇩🇪 Germany
Cast & Crew.
O.W. Fischer
Peter van Houten
Sonja Ziemann
Peter van Eyck
Kapitän Pink Roberti
Christian Wolff
Mischa Gomperz
Paul Dahlke
Dr. Quartz
Paul Esser
Monsignore Scarpi
Chariklia Baxevanos
Stella Valencias
Friedrich Schoenfelder
Reverend Wilson
Günter Pfitzmann
Howard Sims
Hugo Lindinger
2. Schachspieler
Erica Beer
Cecily Sims
Cora Roberts
Wolfgang Völz
Ingenieur Albert
Horst Frank
Richard Marshall
Gottfried Reinhardt
Leon Askin
General Cordobas
Release DateJanuary 1, 1959
Original NameAbschied von den Wolken
Last updated:
Abschied von den Wolken (English: Farewell to the Clouds) is a 1959 German aviation adventure film directed by Gottfried Reinhardt, written by Georg Hurdalek, based on a story by Ladislas Fodor. The film stars O. W. Fischer, Peter van Eyck, Sonja Ziemann, Horst Frank, Linda Christian and Paul Dahlke.
Abschied von den Wolken was an example of the disaster film, coming soon after the international success of William Wellman's The High and Mighty (1954) where individual stories of passengers and crew were central to the dilemma of an aircraft in trouble. In the film, film historian Bertil Skogsberg described the scenario aboard an airliner: "The passengers are of various nationalities and dispositions: a revolutionary general fleeing his country with most of its cash, an old Nazi, and a Dutch adventurer, to name only a few. There is also a beautiful stewardess (Sonja Ziemann)".When marketed in the United States, the film was renamed Rebel Flight to Cuba.