Spring Comes Not Again (1974)

1h 35m
Running Time

August 16, 1974
Release Date

Spring Comes Not Again

Spring Comes Not Again (1974)

1h 35m
Running Time

August 16, 1974
Release Date

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Spring Comes Not Again is a tragic story of romance and betrayal, set in contemporary Hong Kong. The film opens with a deeply distraught Betty (Nancy Kwan) spinning her red MG convertible in circles on the beach, and cuts away to tell the story of her life in flashback. Nancy Kwan brings a wide variety of emotions to her character in Spring Comes Not Again, and the camera photographs her in many beautiful shots. The film is notable because is Nancy Kwan's only Chinese language feature; all the dialog is in Mandarin. Unfortunately for English speaking viewers, the DVD version of this film is subtitled in Chinese only.

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Release Date
August 16, 1974

Original Name
Bu zai you chun tian


Running Time
1h 35m

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