Frankenstein (1993)

1h 57m
Running Time

December 2, 1993
Release Date

Frankenstein (1993)

1h 57m
Running Time

December 2, 1993
Release Date

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In the early 19th century, Dr. Frankenstein discovers the secret of life – how to create a perfect man – powerful, intelligent and immune to disease. But something goes wrong in the laboratory and the doctor’s hideous creation disappears into the night. At first, Frankenstein hoped that the horrible monster would perish in the wilderness, but now he senses that it’s alive and sets out for him. Dr. Frankenstein tracks the creature to the Arctic, where the two must battle to decide who will become the master of the other’s life…or death.

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This Movie Is About.


Release Date
December 2, 1993


Running Time
1h 57m


Last updated:


Frankenstein is a television horror film first aired in 1992, based on Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. It was produced by Turner Pictures and directed by David Wickes.

The movie stars Patrick Bergin as Dr. Frankenstein and Randy Quaid as Dr. Frankenstein's creation. It also features John Mills, Lambert Wilson, and Fiona Gillies. The score was composed by John Cameron.


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