Wer zu spät kommt – Das Politbüro erlebt die deutsche Revolution (1990)

1h 55m
Running Time

January 1, 1990
Release Date

Wer zu spät kommt – Das Politbüro erlebt die deutsche Revolution (1990)

1h 55m
Running Time

January 1, 1990
Release Date

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The TV documentation reconstructs the incidents between May and November 1989 from the point of view of the Politburo of the GDR (German Democratic Republic). The incidents include the fraud of local elections, the opening of Hungary's borders towards Austria, the ensuing tide of East German refugees to Hungary and Czechoslovakia for transfer to West Germany, the pompous ceremonies at GDR's 40th anniversary, the inept transactions the Politburo took to salvage the situation, the resulting dismissal of their leader Erich Honecker, the international press conference in East Berlin on 9th November 1989, at which Politburo member Günther Schabowski erroneously announced the immediate opening of the 'Iron Curtain', which finally led to the collapse of socialism in the GDR and the other East Bloc countries.

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Release Date
January 1, 1990


Running Time
1h 55m


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