Kentucky Minstrels (1934)

1h 24m
Running Time

November 1, 1934
Release Date

Kentucky Minstrels

Kentucky Minstrels (1934)

1h 24m
Running Time

November 1, 1934
Release Date

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Release Date
November 1, 1934


Running Time
1h 24m

Last updated:


Kentucky Minstrels is a 1934 British musical film directed by John Baxter. It was made at Twickenham Studios as a quota quickie for release by Universal Pictures. Scott and Whaley, the stars of the film, were an African American comedy duo, and the first black performers to take a leading role in a British film. It also featured American actress Nina Mae McKinney. The show derived from the BBC radio programme, The Kentucky Minstrels, first broadcast in 1933, which was written and performed by the same team.

Stephen Bourne, writing in The Independent, referred to the film's "brilliant musical finale".

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