Prime Suspect (1989)

1h 29m
Running Time

January 1, 1989
Release Date

Prime Suspect (1989)

1h 29m
Running Time

January 1, 1989
Release Date

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Release Date
January 1, 1989


Running Time
1h 29m


Last updated:


Prime Suspect is a 1989 American thriller directed by Bruce Kimmel (using the pseudonym Mark Rutland, as he was brought in after the original director (Thomas Constantinides) proved unequal to the task) and produced by Alain Silver and Patrick Regan. Bruce Kimmel also composed the underscore.

The film stars Don Blakely, Tom Bresnahan and Ann Dane.

Only 15 to 20 minutes of this 90 minute film remain of Constantinides' work. Kimmel was brought in on one day's notice and finished the film as a favor to his friends Alain Silver and Patrick Regan, with whom he had worked many times. The script was by Constantinides. The resulting film wasn't exactly poorly received, as it went straight to home video and no reviews of it seem to exist. The story of all this is told in Kimmel's memoir, There's Mel, There's Woody, and There's You.

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