A Drop in the Ocean (1996)
1h 46m
Running Time
February 16, 1996Release Date
A Drop in the Ocean (1996)
1h 46m
Running Time
February 16, 1996Release Date
Network & Production Companies
Explores gender equality and how it affects relationships and love in the 1990s. Plot concerns Anna, an actress who is performing in a play about a woman artist who had to dress as a man order to attend lectures forbidden to women, and her brief affair with Andreas, a drop-out working as a bar waiter.
Where to Watch.
Currently A Drop in the Ocean is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: NFB
Streaming in:🇨🇦 Canada
Release DateFebruary 16, 1996
Original NameΣταγόνα Στον Ωκεανό
Running Time1h 46m
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