Think of Me (2009)
Running Time
January 1, 2009Release Date
Think of Me (2009)
Running Time
January 1, 2009Release Date
Moving from east to west and back, the windows of a bus frame fleeting sections of urban landscape. Throughout the day, images of riders, textures of light and fragments of bodies in space come together to weave a portrait in motion; a contemplative meditation on public transport in the city of Los Angeles. Isolation, routine and everyday splendor, create the backdrop of this journey, while the intermittent sounds of cars construct the soundscape.
Where to Watch.
Currently Think of Me is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: DocAlliance Films
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
Cast & Crew.
Release DateJanuary 1, 2009
Original NamePiensa en mí
Running Time15m
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