Rocky Road to Dublin (1968)

1h 7m
Running Time

September 30, 1968
Release Date

Rocky Road to Dublin (1968)

1h 7m
Running Time

September 30, 1968
Release Date

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Irish-born journalist Peter Lennon examines the contemporary (1967) state of the Republic of Ireland, posing the question, “What do you do with your revolution once you’ve got it?” It argues that Ireland was dominated by cultural isolationism, Gaelic and clerical traditionalism at the time of its making.

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This Movie Is About.


Release Date
September 30, 1968


Running Time
1h 7m


Last updated:


Rocky Road to Dublin is a 1967 documentary film by Irish-born journalist Peter Lennon and French cinematographer Raoul Coutard, examining the contemporary state of the Republic of Ireland, posing the question, "what do you do with your revolution once you've got it?" It argues that Ireland was dominated by cultural isolationism, Gaelic and clerical traditionalism at the time of its making. The film exposes the truth of a repressed, suppressed and censored country, and the hypocrisy of church, politics and state, through a series of 'innocent' interviews.

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