Live: From Bethlehem (2009)
Running Time
January 1, 2009Release Date
Live: From Bethlehem (2009)
Running Time
January 1, 2009Release Date
The Bethlehem-based Ma'an News Agency (MNA) emerged out of the ashes of the second Intifada to become the only independent news network in the Palestinian Territories and an increasingly prominent and influential journalistic force in the wider Middle East. Live: From Bethlehem tells MNA's remarkable story. It chronicles the agency's struggles and successes through the eyes of the station's reporters, producers, and photographers, in the process quietly revealing the humanity of ordinary Palestinians as they go about their daily business. The documentary trains its focus on people more than on abstract issues, yet it never loses sight of the myriad social and political forces and pressures that Ma'an journalists are forced to negotiate as they try to gather and report balanced information. What results is an admirably nuanced portrait of how news gets produced, and how Palestinians live, in one of the world's most troubled regions.
Where to Watch.
Currently Live: From Bethlehem is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Kanopy
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
Release DateJanuary 1, 2009
Running Time37m
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