Veena Nandakumar, an Indian actress prominent in Malayalam cinema, marked her debut in the 2017 Malayalam film "Kadamkatha," directed by Senthil Raj. Unfortunately, the film faced box office failure, hindering her initial recognition. Her entry into Tamil cinema occurred with "Thodraa," portraying Divya, a girl from a wealthy family who elopes with a man from a lower caste. Despite the film's reception, Anupama Subramanian of Deccan Chronicle praised her performance as "decent."
However, Veena Nandakumar gained widespread attention with her breakthrough role in the 2019 Malayalam romantic drama "Kettyolaanu Ente Malakha," where she portrayed the character Rincy. Described as "very restrained" by Veena herself, Anna Mathews of Times of India lauded her for playing the role with "just the right amount of restraint."
In 2020, she took on supporting roles, playing Annie in the family drama "Kozhipporu" and Haritha in the black comedy psychological thriller "Love." Her upcoming film is "Nadikar Thilakam" and web series "Pharma".
all 11
Movies 10
TV Shows 1
Marakkar: Lion of the Arabian Sea (2021)
Love (2020)
Kadam Kadha (2017)
Known ForActing
Birthday1990-07-17 (34 years old)
Birth PlaceMumbai, India
Also Known AsVeena Nandakumar
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