Yoichiro Kawaguchi

Yoichiro Kawaguchi

Known for: Art


Working on the artistic side of Computer Graphics since the 1970’s, Yoichiro’s prolific career began in 3D Computer Animation at Kyushu University (BA) and University of Tsukuba (MFA). Soon after receiving his degrees, he applied his interest in nature to creating GROWTH Model, a Self-Organizing approach to developing a formative algorithm of a complex life form. The resulting paper and works he submitted to SIGGRAPH 1982 contributed to the emerging field of representing natural phenomenon. Since the mid 1980s he has been active in the international community, showing at venues such as Images du Futur in Montreal, ISEA, Ars Electronica, the Venice Biennale, and at SIGGRAPH. He has taught at the University of Tsukuba, and since 1998, at the University of Tokyo. Kawaguchi is a tireless supporter of our community, enthusiastically sharing his work with other artists around the globe. He greets students and colleagues with the same warmth and sincere interest in sharing, continuing to inspire others to follow his lead in explorations with personal aesthetics in the digital arena.

Recently, his interest in collaborations led him to work with performers, merging his dynamic imagery of natural fantasy forms with the movements and forms of human dancers. Similarly, he has collaborated with researchers working on new forms of electronic image output, ranging from the early pioneers of high definition video to those who are bringing digital imagery to our tangible everyday environment through designs on clothing and sculpture. His current research includes exploring large-scale plastic sculptures using newly available materials.


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    Yoichiro Kawaguchi
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