Film Programmer and filmmaker whose work focuses on the cultural impact of hegemonic audiovisual language. He has been invited as a curator and jury member at events such as the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (Montreal, Canada) and the Bogotá International Film Festival; he has been selected as an Emerging Latin American Film Programmer by the Locarno Film Festival (Industry Academy International - 2020) and by Talents Buenos Aires (2021). His work as a filmmaker has been showcased in festivals such as the Annecy International Animation Festival, the Festival de Cinema Latino-Americano de São Paulo and has competed for the CILECT Best Documentary Prize.
all 3
Movies 3
Producer 2
Director / Producer
All My Scars Vanish in the Wind (2022)
Director / Producer
Woman as image, man as bearer of the look (2022)
Sound Designer
Snow Edge (2021)
Known ForDirecting
Birthday1996-10-07 (28 years old)
Birth PlaceBogotá, Colombia
Last updated:
- Carlos Velandia
- Filmography
- Information