Bill Fishman, born in 1958, is an American film director and producer known for his distinctive work in both documentary and narrative cinema. With a career spanning several decades, Fishman gained recognition for his groundbreaking documentary "Desperate Teenage Lovedolls" (1984), a cult classic that showcased his unique storytelling style. He continued to make waves with his narrative feature "Tapeheads" (1988), blending music and comedy. Fishman's career expanded into television, contributing to popular series like "Grace Under Fire" and "My Name Is Earl." He won an award at the 1999 New York International Independent Film & Video Festival and has also directed numerous music videos for such artists as They Might Be Giants, George Clinton and Suicidal Tendencies. Known for his eclectic and innovative approach, Bill Fishman remains a notable figure in the world of filmmaking, leaving an enduring impact on both independent and mainstream cinema.
all 15
Movies 15
Director 7
Producer 4
Waltzing with Brando (2024)
Hollywood Signs (2022)
Butter Miracle Suite One (2021)
Underdogs (2013)
My Dinner with Jimi (2003)
Beaver Trilogy (2000)
Hey, Hey, It's the Monkees (1997)
Floundering (1994)
Posse (1993)
Tapeheads (1988)
Blood Theatre (1984)
The Beaver Kid 2 (1981)
Known ForDirecting
Birthday1901-01-01 (124 years old)
CitizenshipsUnited States
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