Set within the musical hub of bustling Vienna at the end of the 18th century, twenty-five-year-old Amadeus arrives in the city no longer a child and determined to carve his own path. Recently unemployed and without the management of his father, Amadeus finds an unlikely ally in a young singer who will become his wife, fiery Constanze Weber Mozart. Her connections help bring him into the orbit of the court composer Antonio Salieri, setting the three of them on a collision course that will ultimately define their lives and their legacies for years to come.
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Cast & Crew.
Will Sharpe
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Executive Producer
Paul Bettany
Antonio Salieri
Joe Barton
Creator / Writer / Executive Producer
Megan Spanjian
Executive Producer
Christien Bart-Gittens
Associate Producer
Stephen Wright
Executive Producer
Julian Farino
Executive Producer
Michael Jackson
Executive Producer
This TV Show Is About.
Amadeus is an upcoming television miniseries adapted by Joe Barton from the 1979 stage play of the same name by Peter Shaffer, and gives a fictional account of the lives of composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. It itself was inspired by Alexander Pushkin's short 1830 play Mozart and Salieri. The series stars Will Sharpe and Paul Bettany.