Buniyaad is an Indian television drama-series that was directed by Ramesh Sippy and Jyoti Sarup. The series was written by Manohar Shyam Joshi and dealt with the Partition of India in 1947 and its aftermath.
Buniyaad first aired in 1986 on the Indian state television channel DD National, which is owned and operated by Doordarshan network. It was re-aired on DD Metro in early 2000s. It has since been re-aired a number of times on various new Indian private television channels, such as Sahara One. From 25 July 2013, it will be re-aired on DD National every Thursday at 20:30 hrs. It was first aired on TV 27 years ago in 1986.
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This TV Show Is About.
Buniyaad (transl. Foundation) is an Indian television soap opera directed by Ramesh Sippy and Jyoti Sarup. The series was written by Manohar Shyam Joshi and dealt with the Partition of India in 1947 and its aftermath. It first aired in 1986 on the Indian state television channel DD National. It was re-aired on DD Metro, DD Retro and Sahara One.The story spans the life in India between 1916 and 1978.