Maebashi Witches
The story, set in Maebashi city in Gunma Prefecture, is about the coming-of-age story of five high school girls. First year high school student Yuina Akagi lives an ordinary but unsatisfying everyday life. One day, a mysterious frog named Keroppe scouts her and four other girls to become the "Maebashi Witches." Suddenly, a room closet is connected to a mysterious space that brings the girls to a magical flower shop where they sing, dance, and make other people's wishes come true.
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Cast & Crew.
Sakura Kasuga
Yuina Akagi (voice) / Theme Song Performance
Hinano Sakikawa
Azu Niisato (voice) / Theme Song Performance
Rena Motomura
Kyoka Kitahara (voice) / Theme Song Performance
Haruka Minami
Choco Mitsumata (voice) / Theme Song Performance
Honami Momose
Mai Kamiizumi (voice) / Theme Song Performance
Tomokazu Sugita
Tomokazu Sugita (voice)
Junichi Yamamoto
Series Director
Erika Yoshida
Series Composition
Nozomi Tachibana
Character Designer
Yuri Habuka
Original Music Composer
Miki Aizawa
Costume Design
Lin Junbun
Conceptual Design
Yasuhiro Kawai
Prop Designer
Oswald Kato
Color Designer
Ami Kutsuna
Color Designer
Naoko Akuzawa
Art Direction
Susumu Namura
Art Designer
Miho Seri
Art Designer
Tetsuro Kodama
Art Designer / CGI Director
Shotaro Takahashi
Modelling Supervisor
Tomoki Nagasaka
Kenji Fujita
Director of Photography
Hiroki Nozaki
Sound Effects
Yukio Nagasaki
Sound Director
Original Name前橋ウィッチーズ
StatusIn Production
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
magical girl