Winning Lines
Running Time
Winning Lines was a short-lived American game show that aired from January 8, 2000 to February 18, 2000. Based on the British version of the same name, it was considered as the CBS's answer to the success of ABC's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. It was hosted by Dick Clark, directed by James Yukich and produced by Stone Stanley Entertainment in conjunction with the British production company, Celador. The announcer for the program was veteran voice-over announcer Chuck Riley.
This was Dick Clark's final game show, as well as his final show for CBS.
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Running Time1h
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This TV Show Is About.
Winning Lines is an American game show that aired from January 8, 2000, to February 18, 2000, the day after its official cancellation. Adapted from the British format of the same name created by David Briggs, Mike Whitehill and Steven Knight, it was considered as CBS's answer to the success of ABC's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Winning Lines was hosted by Dick Clark, directed by James Yukich and produced by Stone Stanley Entertainment in conjunction with the British production company, Celador. The announcer for the program was Chuck Riley.
Geraldo Rivera was originally considered to host Winning Lines, but turned it down due to a last-minute contract dispute and CBS got Clark to host it immediately.