The Last Reality Show
The Last Reality Show was a tv-series that aired on TV 6 in Sweden the spring of 2012. The show portrays a zombie apocalypse as seen through the eyes of the cast and crew of a reality show. The title of the series refers to the name of said reality show being produced which is to bring forth the ultimate Swedish reality star as well that the fact that almost every episode features the death of one of the reality stars. The show featured 8 episodes. The series was created and produced by Tord Danielsson, directed by Oskar Mellander and photographed by Anders Jacobsson of Evil Ed fame.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Filip Berg
Cecilia Forss
Sofie Darnell
Christian Wennberg
Micke B
Simon Danielsson
Meral Tasbas
Andreas La Chenardière
Eva Nazemson
Joakim Lundell
This TV Show Is About.
The Last Reality Show (Swedish: Den Sista Dokusåpan) is a Swedish TV series that aired on TV 6 in Sweden the spring of 2012. The show portrays a zombie apocalypse as seen through the eyes of the cast and crew of a reality show. The title of the series refers to the name of said reality show being produced which is to bring forth the ultimate Swedish reality star (reality show stars of Swedish reality shows play themselves) as well that the fact that almost every episode features the death of one of the reality stars. The show featured 8 episodes. The series was created and produced by Tord Danielsson, directed by Oskar Mellander and photographed by Anders Jacobsson of Evil Ed fame.