Mission Backup Earth (2013)
Where to Watch.
Currently Mission Backup Earth is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Amazon Video
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Release DateMarch 8, 2013
StatusReturning Series
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Mission Backup Earth is a science fiction web series written and directed by Alexander Pfander. This award-winning series began airing in 2014, in a series of 5 to 15 minute YouTube episodes.
Mission Backup Earth uses modern scientific methods and concepts, and integrates them into a story, intending to give a realistic view of space travel and colonization, while questioning and exploring the evolution of mankind, cosmic disasters, and philosophical questions about humanity's existence.
Actor David Prowse, who played Darth Vader in the Star Wars films, has made a cameo in the show.
Actress Monika Gossmann, who was Designer #1 of the movie Iron Sky is a regular actress in the show as Dr Weir.
Actor Anthony Straeger is known for his role in the movie Land of Mine for the role of Officer Garth.