Junior G (2001)
The adventures of the orphan boy Gaurav Ray, who can transform to his secret identity Junior G with his magical ring. The boy got his supernatural ability when he accidentally stumbles into the crash between two asteroids. Emerging a much-empowered child from the collision, his mission becomes to destroy the evil wizard genius, Fyumancho.
Where to Watch.
Currently Junior G is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Tubi TV
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Cast & Crew.
Release DateNovember 10, 2001
StatusReturning Series
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Junior G - The Magic Starts Now... is an Indian superhero television drama series which premiered on 10 November 2001 on DD National. It was directed by Ganshyam Pathak.It features adventures of the orphan boy Gaurav Ray, who can transform to his secret identity Junior G with his magical ring. The boy got his supernatural ability when he accidentally stumbles into the crash between two asteroids. Emerging a much-empowered child from the collision, his mission becomes to destroy the evil wizard genius, Fyumancho.