The Mouse and the Monster (1996)
The Mouse and the Monster is an American animated series created and executive produced by Jerry Leibowitz. The show aired on UPN network's cartoon block UPN Kids and the Fox Family Channel. It featured a mouse named Chesbro, and a monster named Mo. The show subsequently aired on Disney Europe following Disney's acquisition of Saban's library of shows.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Herbert Ikatap
Marion Kaplan
Lucille Scrubber
Wes Turner
Buddy Johnson
Glenn Eichler
Creator / Writer
Jerry Leibowitz
Creator / Writer
Shuki Levy
Release DateSeptember 21, 1996
Running Time30m
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
The Mouse and the Monster is a 1996β97 American animated series created by Jerry Leibowitz for Saban Entertainment. It centered around a mouse named Chesbro, and a beatnik monster named Mo. The show was originally part of the UPN network's 1996 UPN Kids lineup alongside other Saban-produced shows, such as Bureau of Alien Detectors and The Incredible Hulk. Reruns later appeared on the Fox Family Channel. The show subsequently aired on various Disney Channels in Europe following Disney's acquisition of Saban's library of shows.
Ownership of the series passed to Disney in 2001 when Disney acquired Fox Kids Worldwide, which also includes Saban Entertainment.