Mondo Macabro (2002)
Mondo Macabro is a British television series based on the book of the same name by Pete Tombs. Written and directed by Pete Tombs and Andrew Starke, the series focuses on cult cinema from countries not usually associated with genre product. The series consists of eight twenty-five-minute episodes and was broadcast on Channel 4 in 2002.
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Release DateJanuary 1, 2002
StatusReturning Series
Running Time25m
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Mondo Macabro is a British documentary television series written, produced and directed by Pete Tombs and Andy Starke. Based on Tombs' 1997 book Mondo Macabro: Weird & Wonderful Cinema Around the World, the series focuses on cult films from different countries around the world. The series ran for eight episodes and was first broadcast on Channel 4 in 2001.