Out of Control (1984)
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This TV Show Is About.
Out of Control is an American sketch comedy television series created by Bob Hughes for Nickelodeon. Hosted by Dave Coulier, it centers on the production of a fictional news program. Coulier's character is the coordinator of the news show who vainly tries to get his eccentric crew members to work together. It features sketches with recurring themes by the Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre and interspersed animation by Spectre Productions.
The series' title refers to the control room of a news show; during production, it was named The Out of Control Room. The concept for the series originated from former Nickelodeon president Cy Schneider, who wanted a children's show that parodied the news magazine format. The series ran for a single season of 26 episodes from 1984 to 1985, with reruns continuing (with breaks) until 1993.
The series started the television career of several actors, including Coulier and David Stenstrom, who played the in-house inventor Waldo. While working on the series, Coulier originated many traits that he went on to use for the character Joey Gladstone on Full House, including his signature catchphrase "Cut-it-out!"