Lost at Home (2003)
Lost at Home is the name of a short-lived sitcom aired on ABC from April 1 to April 22, 2003. The show starred Mitch Rouse, Connie Britton, Gregory Hines, Stark Sands, Leah Pipes, Gavin Fink and Aaron Hill. The show was cancelled after only four episodes. This was Gregory Hines' last project before his death from liver cancer on August 9, 2003.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
Leah Pipes
Sarah Davis
Mitch Rouse
Michael Davis
Stark Sands
Will Davis
Connie Britton
Rachel Davis
Gavin Fink
Josh Davis
Gregory Hines
Jordan King
Lisa Rieffel
Brianna Brown
This TV Show Is About.
Lost at Home is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from April 1 to April 22, 2003. The show starred Mitch Rouse, Connie Britton, Gregory Hines (in his final television role), Stark Sands, Leah Pipes, Gavin Fink and Aaron Hill. The show was cancelled after only four episodes.