Anatole (1998)
Anatole is an animated children's television series based on the Anatole book series by Eve Titus. The series tells the story of Anatole, a mouse who lives in Paris. He works as a night watchman in a cheese factory. He has a wife, Doucette and a family of six little mice. It originally aired in 1998, on The CBS Kids Show on CBS and in late-1999 on Premiere 12 in Singapore. It re-aired on the US version of Disney Channel from 2001 to 2004. It then got re-broadcast in 2009 on STV, a Scottish television station, on their wknd@stv strand.
Where to Watch.
Currently Anatole is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Tubi TV, Pluto TV
Streaming in:πΊπΈ United States
Release DateOctober 3, 1998
StatusReturning Series
Running Time15m
Content RatingNR
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Anatole is an animated children's television series based on the Anatole book series by Eve Titus. The series was created by Scottish Television, Valentine Productions s.a.r.l. and Nelvana as one of their numerous programmes. It originally aired on Canada's YTV network from 1998 to 1999, and premiered in the United States on CBS on 3 October 1998, and aired through the 1998β99 television season.