Small Talk (1996)
Small Talk is an American game show hosted by comedian Wil Shriner and produced by Reg Grundy Productions that aired on The Family Channel from September 30, 1996 to January 3, 1997. The series aired as part of an original game show block, alongside The New Shop 'Til You Drop, Shopping Spree, Wait 'Til You Have Kids, and The New Family Challenge.
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Release DateSeptember 30, 1996
Running Time24m
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
game show
Small Talk is an American game show hosted by comedian Wil Shriner and produced by Reg Grundy Productions that aired on The Family Channel from September 30, 1996, to January 3, 1997. Reruns continued until January 17. The series aired as part of an original game show block, alongside The New Shop 'Til You Drop, Shopping Spree, Wait 'til You Have Kids, and The New Family Challenge.