Haunted Encounters: Face to Face (2012)
Haunted Encounters is an American paranormal television series that premiered on December 1, 2012 on the Biography Channel. The program features a paranormal investigation team known as the Paranormal Syndicate who investigates haunted hotspots that are reported to be on the list of reportedly haunted locations and gather evidence to prove that it is haunted. Current episodes air at 10:00PM EST.
Where to Watch.
Currently Haunted Encounters: Face to Face is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Spectrum On Demand, Amazon Prime Video with Ads
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
Cast & Crew.
Helmey Kramer
Self - Paranormal Linebacker
Jordan Murphy
Self - Case Manager (2012)
Sam Baltrusis
Self - Boston expert
Chynna Skye
Lizzie Borden
Daniel Hooven
This TV Show Is About.
paranormal investigation
haunted attractions
serie documental
Haunted Encounters (also known as Haunted Encounters: Face to Face) is an American paranormal television series that premiered on December 1, 2012, on the Biography Channel. The program features a paranormal investigation team, the Paranormal Syndicate, that investigates haunted hotspots that are the list of reportedly haunted locations and gather evidence to prove that it is haunted. Episodes aired at 10:00PM EST.