Jersey Couture (2010)
Jersey Couture is an American reality documentary series that premiered June 1, 2010 on Oxygen. The series follows the Scali family as they run their dress boutique, Diane & Co., located in Freehold, New Jersey and the personal lives of the owners along with the staff.
On February 7, 2012, the second season of Jersey Couture premiered.
Where to Watch.
Currently Jersey Couture is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Fandango At Home, Amazon Video
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
Cast & Crew.
This TV Show Is About.
Jersey Couture is an American reality documentary series that premiered June 1, 2010 on Oxygen. The series follows the Scali family as they run their dress boutique, Diane & Co., located in Freehold, New Jersey and the personal lives of the owners along with the staff.On February 7, 2012, the second season of Jersey Couture premiered.