Mystery Diagnosis (2005)
Mystery Diagnosis is a television program that airs on the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. Each episode focuses on two or more individuals and their struggles to find out what ailments they suffer from. As the program's title suggests, doctors have a difficult time finding a diagnosis, often due to nonspecific symptoms, the rarity of the condition or disease, or the patient's case being an unusual manifestation of said condition or disease.
The series debuted on Discovery Health Channel in 2005, and was continued when the Oprah Winfrey Network replaced Discovery Health on January 1, 2011; the current season premiered January 5, 2011.
Where to Watch.
Currently Mystery Diagnosis is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Amazon Video
Streaming in:π¬π§ United Kingdom
Cast & Crew.
David Guion
Self - Narrator
Razor Rizzotti
Jack Donoghue
Preschool Student
Renee St. Gelais
Jacob Baeza
Release DateNovember 21, 2005
StatusReturning Series
Running Time1h
Content RatingTV-PG
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Mystery Diagnosis is a television docudrama series that aired on Discovery Health Channel and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. Each episode focuses on two or more individuals who have struggled with obscure medical ailments, and their quest for a diagnosis. The program details the patients' and doctors' difficulty in pinpointing a diagnosis; often due to nonspecific symptoms, masquerading syndromes, the rarity of the condition or disease, or the patient's case being an unusual manifestation of said condition or disease.
The series debuted on Discovery Health Channel in 2005, and was continued when the Oprah Winfrey Network replaced Discovery Health on January 1, 2011. The last season premiered January 5, 2011.