OH NO! It's An Alien Invasion
OH NO! It's An Alien Invasion! is a Canadian animated television series that is produced by Nelvana Limited in association with YTV and Cartoon Network. It premiered on YTV in Canada on August 3, 2013. It premiered on Cartoon Network in the United States at a special time, Thursday August 1, 2013 at 8 pm, with subsequent episode premieres on Mondays at 7 pm. The series was created by Philippe Ivanusic-Vallee and Peter Ricq. 26 episodes are planned.
Where to Watch.
Currently OH NO! It's An Alien Invasion is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Tubi TV, Amazon Prime Video, Pluto TV, Amazon Prime Video with Ads
Streaming in:🇺🇸 United States
This TV Show Is About.
alien invasion
3d animation
Oh No! It's An Alien Invasion is a Canadian animated television series which first aired on August 3, 2013, with its first season of 26 episodes. The series was created by Philippe Ivanusic-Vallee and Peter Ricq and produced by Nelvana in association with YTV.
The series was pulled from YTV's schedule on August 30, 2014. The second season premiered on Teletoon (now Cartoon Network) on November 3, 2014. The series ended on April 27, 2015 and was canceled on April 30, 2015. 40 episodes were produced.