Divided (2017)
A team of complete strangers attempts to agree on the same answer for a chance to win major prize money. The intensity escalates when contestants must collectively vote a teammate off. And in a final twist, the remaining prize money is divided into three drastically unequal parts.
Where to Watch.
Currently Divided is available for streaming online, rent, buy or watch for free on: Pluto TV
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Release DateJanuary 19, 2017
StatusReturning Series
Content RatingTV-PG
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Divided is an American television game show broadcast by Game Show Network (GSN) based on the British series of the same name. Each episode consists of four contestants playing as one team who must agree on answers to questions they are given. The longer it takes the team to come to an agreement, the less money the team earns for each question. The series, hosted by Mike Richards, premiered January 19, 2017, and concluded May 8, 2018.
Some critics believed that the show's name and timing were appropriate given the tumultuous preceding presidential election and its premiere date coming the day before the inauguration of Donald Trump.