Weird Travels
Running Time
Weird Travels is an American documentary paranormal television series that originally aired from 2001 to 2006 on the Travel Channel. Produced by Authentic Entertainment, the program features various paranormal subjects around the world, especially cryptozoological creatures and haunted locations around the world. The series is narrated by Don Wildman, who also hosts and narrates the History channel's documentary television series Cities of the Underworld and Travel Channel's Off Limits.
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This TV Show Is About.
paranormal investigation
weird tale
weird science
Weird Travels is an American documentary paranormal television series that originally aired from 2001 to 2006 on the Travel Channel. Produced by Authentic Entertainment, the program features various paranormal subjects around the world, especially monsters and purportedly haunted locations around the world. The series is narrated by Don Wildman, who also hosts and narrates History's documentary television series Cities of the Underworld and Travel Channel's Off Limits.