Rina is a Mexican telenovela, which was produced by and broadcast on Televisa in 1977. It was written by Inés Rodena and starred Ofelia Medina as a hunchback named Rina and Enrique Álvarez Félix as her love interest.
Since the original, several remakes have been produced under different names:
⁕La italianita
⁕Rubí rebelde
⁕María Mercedes
⁕Inocente de Ti
⁕Maria Esperança
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This TV Show Is About.
Rina is a Mexican telenovela produced by Valentín Pimstein for Televisa. It was written by Inés Rodena and starring Ofelia Medina as a eponymous hunchback, Enrique Álvarez Félix as her love interest and María Rubio as the main villain of the history. It is based on the radionovela "Enamorada".