Ellen's Acres (2006)
Ellen's Acres (2006)
Ellen's Acres is an American animated television series for preschool-age children, which exclusively premiered weekly on Cartoon Network Video and in the United Kingdom, the show airs on Cartoonito. Animation Collective produces the series. It originally aired on September 29, 2006 on Cartoon Network Video and January 8, 2007 on Tickle U in the United States, airing at 9:30 am ET/PT, but has been pulled from the schedule as of February 5, 2007. The show features a very imaginative five-year old child named Ellen who has adventures in a hotel her parents own approximately 40 miles from Tonopah, Nevada named the Emerald Acres.
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Release DateSeptember 29, 2006
Running Time30m
Content RatingTV-Y
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This TV Show Is About.
Ellen's Acres is an American animated television series for preschool-age children, which exclusively premiered weekly on Cartoon Network and in the United Kingdom, the show airs on Cartoonito. Animation Collective produced the series. It originally premiered on September 4, 2006 on Cartoonito in the UK, and later on January 8, 2007 on Cartoon Network in the US, but was later cancelled on February 5, 2007. The series features a very imaginative five-year-old girl named Ellen who has adventures in a hotel her parents own approximately 40 mi (64 km) from Tonopah, Nevada named the Emerald Acres.