Stump the Schwab (2004)
Stump the Schwab (2004)
Stump the Schwab is an American game show that aired on ESPN Classic. The show ran from July 8, 2004 to September 29, 2006 and featured three contestants trying to stump Howie Schwab, who was the first statistician ESPN ever had. Stuart Scott was the show's host. The show also appeared on Canada's The Score Television Network.
Each episode of the show had three rounds, "Leading Off", a second round that featured a different game each time, and "The Schwab Showdown." After each of the first two rounds, the contestant with the lowest score was eliminated.
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Release DateJuly 8, 2004
Running Time30m
Last updated:
This TV Show Is About.
Stump the Schwab is an American game show that aired on ESPN2 and ESPN Classic from July 8, 2004 to September 29, 2006. The show featured three contestants trying to defeat Howie Schwab, ESPN's first statistician, in a sports trivia contest. Stuart Scott was the show's host. The show also appeared on Canada's The Score Television Network.
Each episode of the show had three rounds, "Leading Off", a second round that featured a different game each time, and "The Schwab Showdown." After each of the first two rounds, the contestant with the lowest score was eliminated.