African Patrol
Running Time
African Patrol is a 39-episode syndicated adventure television series created, directed and produced by George Breakston in conjunction with Jack J. Gross and Philip N. Krasne. It was filmed on location in Kenya for a period of 15 months beginning in January 1957.
Where to Watch.
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Cast & Crew.
George P. Breakston
John Bentley
Chief Insp. Paul Derek
Alan Tarlton
Alan Tarlton / Alan Tarleton / MacLeary
Dorinda Stevens
Esmar / Helen Gibson / Lila
Peter Dyneley
Brooks Todd / Gimble / Landray
Tony Blane
Parker / McGrath / Sergeant
Conrad Phillips
Delaney / Harper / Raymond Larsen
Honor Blackman
Grace Bowler / Isobel Thorne / Pat Murray
This TV Show Is About.
African Patrol is a 39-episode syndicated adventure television series created, directed and produced by George Breakston in conjunction with Jack J. Gross and Philip N. Krasne. It was filmed on location in Kenya for a period of 15 months beginning in January 1957.